jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Laziness mandatory

Just as the lungs can not perform digestive, believe that job roles should be strict and non-transferable.

From one point of view, we could say that there is a laziness (idleness, laziness, laziness) mandatory.

We see it when we integrate an organization (company, state, school, family) in which there is a vertical hierarchy, ie a boss, some deputy (middle) and many subordinates.

We see that many tasks and responsibilities could be performed by several people who are prohibited from doing "what is not theirs".

For example, a cleaner (junior) may have good ideas about how to organize the flow of incoming materials to a processing plant, but is prohibited from communicating your idea (and still make decisions forbidden), because their role is to clean and nothing but clean.

For his part, the manager may have at their disposal to vacuum the carpet in his office, but can not do it because it would be severely criticized by his colleagues and could even generate unease among cleaners who might consider this gesture (vacuuming the dust from his office) is indicating that you are unhappy with the performance of the official in charge of the task.

In short, while we have availability of time and energy to do many tasks can not execute because the organizational culture forbids us to do tasks outside the role for which they were appointed.

By this I say in the first paragraph that there is a compulsory idleness.

Apparently, these losses occur time and energy because we believe that organizations should function as the human body.

In other words : just as the lungs can not perform digestive, we are convinced that, to maintain organizational health, the roles should be strict and non-transferable.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La holgazanería obligatoria.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.021)

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