viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Strengths and weaknesses, their own and others

Psychoanalysis offers us some useful ideas. Knowing the human strengths and weaknesses, their own and others, is profitable.

It seems that it is true that "all extremes are bad" and psychoanalysis seeks to contribute in their own way, so we can all stay as close as possible to the "extreme", but not reach them because, as the saying, "are bad".

Culture imposes an upset, by which we walk through life supporting two sources of discomfort:

- Natural, hunger causes us to eat, tired to sleep, afraid to flee or attack them, and

- Cultural, causes us disgust at what we should not accept, shame, that the feeling of ridicule keeps us aware of how we act in front of others, modesty, for us to be fearful of sexuality and pleasure in general.

Psychoanalysis offers, as its name implies, an analysis of the psyche, for us to handle our life with a little more discretion, so we can observe how circumstances lead us to one side and to the other (determinism and free will), so we can have a more or less reliable explanation of how we are, how we could be and how it would be impossible for us to become, although some idealistic beliefs achievements encourage us to look impossible, but very seductive.

Psychoanalysis, for example, tells us that only we are careful with our property, but we have limited ability to care for the property of others.

Who knows how the human psyche (the own and others), is better prepared to make a living, to another whom you think humans are honest, reliable, responsible, careful gossiping.

Knowing the human strengths and weaknesses, their own and others, is profitable.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Fortalezas y debilidades, propias y ajenas.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.043)

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