miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2013

The decrease violence war games

As the games are a form of process symbols, many criminals would murder if they could not write, draw or play.

In an article ElColombiano.com (1), Sept. 23 this year 2013, it published a story with the title Brasilia, the Brazilian capital, banned toy guns, which in summary says :

"The Brazilian capital put into force on Monday (23-09-2013) a law banning the manufacture, distribution and sale of any type of toy war, a measure taken to contribute to reducing levels of violence in the country, the local government".

I saltearé a number of ideas about what it means to play as a symbolic expression to tell them directly what can be useful for the measure adopted by the rulers of the Brazilian city.

Salteándome considerations begin to jump to the conclusion: That law will not serve anything that is proposed, but the opposite.

Now, for the less anxious and more patience, I will comment some grounds for this conclusion as radical and daring.

To avoid violence rulers should promote that old saying : "Barking dogs do not bite".

This popular sentence tells us that when a person threatens, insults, promises, talking up a storm, no more nothing, ie only talks, it is just blah -blah- blah.

The words (written or spoken) are symbols that have the effect of changing their receptors but, above all, in their issuers.

When someone confesses his intentions, express your wishes, conveyed their feelings verbally, achieved (perhaps inadvertently) decrease their intensity: anger, longing, hatred, once expressed, are notoriously less intense after being symbolized.

As the games are a form of process symbols, many criminals would murder if they could kill playing.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Los juegos bélicos disminuyen la violencia.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.052)

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