lunes, 7 de octubre de 2013

The imagination that soothes anxiety

Like ignore what is happening to us causes us anxiety, we create stories that explain everything and so we calmed.

Everyone goes something like this: in an effort to understand what is happening to us, we investigate, study, observe, but basically: create stories.

Those stories we have as main protagonists are nothing but hypotheses about which (probably) is happening to us.

To explain this I may also have to resort to a fictional scenario, ie share with you what my theory about what we do to understand what happens to us.

We all know the universal phenomenon of eating to calm anxiety.

Now, from birth, cried for mom breastfeeding allows us not only when we are hungry, but also when we are sad, anxious, anxious,... in the event that, at such a young age, whether we are victims of emotional states.

How do we prepare these stories? The similarity continues: prepare the stories in a way similar to how we prepare the food that will soothe our anxiety.

Indeed, the stories have a certain format and certain foods are cooking.

These stories should be written so that our minds are created (the digest) and remain in a position to understand, (believe you understand, I should say), what is happening to us.

Something that is often repeated in our explanatory stories - anxiolytic (calming anxiety) is that our lives are segmented into cycles, such as are the solar year, the lunar year, the months, our anniversaries, days.

This belief in cycles make us renewed hope when one of them begins: we wish " Happy New Year " celebrate our " meet - years ', we woke up in the morning with the optimistic expectation that today will be better than yesterday.

When 'eat' this story food lowers our anxiety because I really believe that is true.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La imaginación que nos calma la ansiedad.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.043)

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