In a perhaps not-so-distant future, people will comment: "A few decades ago was normal that long time be devoted to substantiate personal preferences with rational arguments".
Would not be strange that also say: «the media of that time invoiced money by advertising in hearings where some participants polemizaban, sometimes with great passion, on why logical thought what they thought».
Of course that is not my forte to guess the future but I not escaped to this futile task based (1) why I am in favour of the decriminalization of abortion approved by the Uruguayan Parliament in October 2012.
None of my arguments are just as valid to change the way others feel. Nor are valid arguments that can say any other human being. The opinion on this and other topics is something very personal that, in any case is in tune with the entire body and not with some kind of logic particularly more valuable than the others.
What we can do in any case is to expose some arguments to display, show, make known, how our head, so that others can say: «José is very smart», «Maria is very humanitarian», «Pedro is a religious devotee», «Magdalena think like most».
However, the public exhibition of the arguments underpinning our way of thinking, does not have as main reason let us know but to create a universal order; What we want is to legislate; We aspire to dropping the entire species of knees before our unquestionable, aplastadoramente convincing logic, possessor of a force so invincible to the our partners listen blade's mouth open, admiring us subjugated.
Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Nuestros
anhelos de convencer a todos.
(This is the Article Nº 1.735)