domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

Democracy and the least effort

Because we love to have power, we are all potential tyrants turned-Democrats by gentle pressing need not strive.

We say with sincere conviction that love freedom and reject repression and slavery.

We have to say it out loud for us to believe. Those who are asked about their attitude towards freedom (own and others), are categorical: the human being must be free (except that we should remove it for reasons of public interest, which occurs, for example, with offenders).

This is an ethical principle but a genuine desire to be free because it costs an effort and, by nature, our body prevents exertion. Cleverly evade any effort that is not essential.

Someone might say that people who exercise contradict this statement, but I insist: those who make physical effort are required by their terrifying fear of transgressing the cardiologist's recommendations, ie, apparently striving voluntarily but in fact do so under threat of death.

The aforementioned quest for freedom is not as sincere as it seems.

Our predominant emotion is fear of uncertainty, making mistakes that condemn us to a life of eternal regret.

The key I think the confusion is that we want to live in a dictatorship akin to our ideological preferences, in terms of political orientation, religious and philosophical.

Our actual reasoning might be: I want to live in a dictatorship in which the tyrant thinks like me and Him to me to apply full rigor than ever I feel responsible for my discomfort.

The only drawback I have those whose ideological preferences do not match the constraints of the system.

In other words, we are all potential tyrants Democrats turned-gentle that imperious need not strive.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La democracia y el menor esfuerzo.

(This is the Article No. 1711)

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