martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Custom Humanity

The day we achieve "humanity personalized" medicine, education of students and the rehabilitation of offenders, assume that we are all essentially different.

Another time I said to you something about how the reeducation of prison systems do not take into account that people are very similar but different (1).

In the video I linked to this article special emphasis on the delay with psychology and psychoanalysis.

It is normal for a human head is unable to imagine other than the current realities. Perhaps science fiction novelists experts are the only ones capable of conceiving other scenarios, in which almost no resemblance to the known without thereby losing their logical things human.

Thus, we think that there will be another set that meets or exceeds the Beatles, although it seems impossible, if we can send images over long distances (television), someday we can send objects, much to the dismay of the courier, of course the cure for cancer, without the use of radical amputation, appears almost imminent ... but not that we achieve immortality, which is probably the result of a technological backwardness that will take longer to resolve.

If this line of thinking is correct, we can imagine that also have their turn to psychoanalysis, which is bogged down for decades, but we can not leave empty rhetoric.

The technology is almost ready to finish to realize that humans are very different and arbitrary equalization, crude and rude, it is imperative that we have yet to detect how the uniqueness that sets us apart.

When we get "humanity personalized" medicine, education of students and the rehabilitation of offenders, assume that we are all essentially different.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La humanidad personalizada.

(This is the Article Nº 1.727)

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