We are proud to be "outstanding" by the penis and breasts, but we frighten the castration complex and breast cancer.
We all prefer the truths confirmed to unconfirmed theories. We resent the uncertainty and seek solid ground on which to build an understanding of the place we live.
Understanding is the intellectual version of eat, digest and incorporate foods our body. When I eat beef, what I do is turn every molecule of cow in a molecule of my body, so that there is no effective way to control the other to assign the fate of that cow: kill it, cook it, eat it, digest.
At the intellectual level that is understood ... or this is what we want to happen. It is for that claim they eagerly seek information to know (eat) and understand (digest and incorporate it into our body).
The desire to know is a desire to dominate and the engine of this action is eager anxiety is the fear of death. We want to control our environment and make it believe that it is best to know in depth ... make it part of us.
But few truths are confirmed and I dare say that no, that everything we take for real is nothing but an illusion, a hope, wishful fantasy that we can count on something true, solid, firm, we security.
I commented something that might be true ... or not. That is, with the same level of certainty of almost any other information.
The word "outstanding" (1), means "protruding, and examinations, top rating, higher than remarkable."
We are proud to be "outstanding" by the penis and breasts, but we frighten the castration complex and breast cancer.
Note: Original in Spanish (without
translation by Google): El
complejo de castración y el cáncer de mama.
(This is the Article Nº 1.714)
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