miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

Prudence is almost impossible

We have difficulty realizing when we harm others and they have difficulties to point our error.

Prudence is a more ideal than real property. We assume that man, if he tries, manages to control his ambition, can moderate their desires to abuse others might even want to slow down their prey to similar.

I dare to say that we are not careful, that the notion of equilibrium is rare, strange, unusual.

Comes to mind something I've mentioned other times we have a clear notion of the concept "private property" only when it comes to our property, but when it comes to the property of others, the notion almost disappears and only regains some visibility if it is strongly linked punishments that give volume, weight, color.

The misunderstandings that complicate our ties have as one of its many causes this difficulty we have to understand, suppose, imagine, others have a concept of "private property personnel" as strong as ours and a notion of "private property of others" as weak as ours.

In other words, others feel that "this is mine but this is yours."

If we accept these facts, we can deduce that when we connect with other people (family, co-workers, neighbors, fellow, suppliers, customers), we will have a hard time not harm them, either because they try to abuse their tolerance, or pretend that we help unconditionally, to take charge of some our expenses.

In our culture we do not usually point out these errors, so our victims are just trying to get to safety but tell us about what is the reason for his flight, because they know how, or maybe because we understand too because unconsciously sensed that also abuse others, or because of petty prevent abusers.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La prudencia es casi imposible.

Other references to the concept of "private property":

(This is the Article Nº 1.728)

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