sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012

Businesses curative

Work, produce, do business, may be solutions for diagnosable depression because depression and keeps it balanced, neutralized nearly healed.

I do not remember when or where I heard a story psychoanalytic welted.

Was a very rich woman, who lived with her ​​husband, in a beautifully decorated home.

As usual this lady, who seemed to be lacking nothing to be happy, suffering from a deep depression.

Just to agree, I remind you that a depressed mood is a "syndrome characterized by a deep sadness and inhibition of mental functions, sometimes with autonomic disorders."

As for depression can also understand that it is a hollow, a hole, a hole of respectable dimensions, this lady had a very painful crises when an oil painting appreciated by her, was removed for sale.

From this loss did ill health crisis, but for those things that has the chance, had no better idea to replace the box paintings for "equal", but done for her ... I did not know or brushes.

Undertook the task with the anguish of those who are desperate, threatened with death, who feels he plays his last card.

As you can imagine the painting done by the novice was nothing like she was trying to replace, but nevertheless felt better and started doing well out of the depression.

Symptoms are painful (asthma, phobias, allergies, cardiac arrhythmias, and many others) are yet to be rebalancing, compensatory, "healthy". They are so difficult to remove because it is necessary to put the patient at risk of disease.

Work, produce, do business, may be solutions for diagnosable depression because depression and keeps it balanced, neutralized nearly healed.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los negocios curativos.

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