viernes, 19 de octubre de 2012

The restructuring of alpha males

Rulers and alpha males, try to be refound the rule (institutions or flock).

I do not know if it's true or legend, but that when a pride of lions head changes, this kills all the puppies so that new generations belong to their genetic lineage.

Although it would be necessary to confirm this before posting, I will discuss why it is necessary.

In this case what matters is the content of the legend because, if transmitted transmitters is because if you believe in it and believe in it is because they think so, otherwise the legend or scientific truth does not reach our ears.

In other words, when we are discussing is the human being, it is not important to know the degree of accuracy of your thoughts because we are trying to learn how to think, what values ​​it accepts both to transmit them.

If humans convey truth or legend that male lions kill calves born before his reign, is because humans believe that would be possible, it would be logical, acceptable, credible.

Conclusion: the human mind is a new single family chief takes charge of the children themselves and not take care of other people's children. In general, we found that when a woman remarries, his new spouse may or may not accept the children she conceived with another man. Our laws prevent him from killing them (and perhaps make the lions), but it is not expected to love them as much as if any fertilized.

When a people elect rulers of an ideology different from above, the new rulers try to reestablish the institutions created by the previous ideology.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La refundación de los machos alfa.

(This is the Article No. 1723)

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