viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands

Males are usually genetically coveted economically less successful. Therefore women change husband.

By my calculations psychoanalytic, a majority of women have children with someone who then exchanged for another man or none.

My reasoning takes into account some criteria outlined elsewhere (1).

The most important of these criteria is the one that refers to women when they are ovulating and want to gestate, "know" who would be the best father for their children from the genetic point of view. For this they are so selective and accept very few candidates.

These are characterized genetic good providers because many women like them. Why some men have great popularity among women and not others.

Because marriage is an institution that places great emphasis on economic affairs and property, we have the following situation:

Males very attractive to women, hardly are good students and have a future economically problematic. Although it will not have good jobs as adults, their sex lives continue to be successful.

Women who succeed become fertilized by one of these fine specimens, achieved the highest aspiration to have healthy children, but will have to leave when they give their venture reproductive terminated because that wonderful stallion is very inefficient aspects become important: get enough money to support herself and her children.

It is at this time when conflicts begin preparations for an impending separation from the biological father of the children, because not only contribute with little money but the repeated calls of other women have very distracted, elusive, emotionally unstable.

Those less successful with women, you could only find economic success, begin to be good candidates for divorced women with children.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Doña Flor y sus dos maridos
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.690)

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