martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

The conservatives of the species genocides

In our species Nature conservation secures your distressing sporadic and mass deaths.

Studies the month of September 2013 and I will tell everything I know about the armed conflict that has as central Syria military actions.

What I know is that for some reason, the U.S. will attack , that other countries will agree with the attacker and that others will agree with the attack.

The most important thing to know is that in these times and in this area, the death rate will increase dramatically.

Regarding this particular issue, I know nothing more.

With this brief information you wish to share with two reflections .

Since they are lives, like ours, which are in danger of being lost, will suffer varying degrees of distress, we will try to soothe a variety of ways:

- Deceiving ourselves that we care nothing;

- Reading busily every interpretation that falls into our hands , because that way , devouring the news, we will imagine that we can master the tragic circumstances " digesting " (Yes, I know , it seems folly , but that our unconscious acts : try to know only when we try to master something we anguish);

- Imagining Facebook protesting modify the course of events .

The second point I wish to propose is worse than the first.

1 ) Human beings have free will but we are 100 % determined by many factors: genetic, environmental, cultural, weather, hormonal, and a large etc.) ;

2 º ) Under these natural and uncontrollable conditions, one might think that in our species we must die or kill every so often and in large quantities, because that is our survival instinct tones.

Associated with this genocide programmed by nature , have to be alarmed , scare, shake our thinking, agonize.

With this awful procedure because we seven billion copies.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Los genocidios conservadores de la especie.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.017)

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