To understand we have to analyze the situation, that is, break it down into its parts, but then we reassemble (synthesize).
The biblical phrase: "It will be easier for a camel through the eye of a needle than a rich man Heaven's Gate", is not only discouraging the accumulation of wealth, but also is pointing to something more serious, considering that the "sky" can be somewhat indifferent to many people.
The focus of this article refers to humans, to think, we have to "shred", analyze, break down into parts to understand what we want.
In other words, we can not think of very big ideas, general, complex. To understand where we stand, we need to have some knowledge about how the planet, then some land topography, waterways, populations, roads, streets, addresses. Only then can we understand those signs that tell us 'You are here'.
The same applies to the history, biology and any other branch of knowledge. As we can only understand simple ideas, elementary, basic, we need to break down complex ideas to a minimum.
The languages have many words because they must have names for the parts in which we decompose the reality and also to name the relations between those parties.
This miniaturization of reality we have to do to understand it, could be described by saying that "to understand the whole, we need to break it down into little pieces that can pass through the eye of a needle".
The story of how we try to understand what surrounds us is not having a happy ending.
Indeed, whenever desmenuzamos what we want to know, using thousands of words to describe it piece by piece and its possible links, we have difficulty rebuild what we had disarmed (analyzed). In fact, a camel could never revive.
Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las
dificultades para sintetizar lo que analizamos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.027)
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