viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

Making love or hate

There is the possibility that some cases of domestic violence are actually frustrated breeding attempts in which she wanted to arouse sexually harass him, never dreaming that he would be furious and destructive attack.

In another article (1), and by rational rodeo, I came to the conclusion that the unmarked male gender, our own language, could not be feminine as they claim.

To make it clear: the language indicates that a group of boys and girls, children must be said, even if they are 99 girls and one boy. Of course, they claim that the situation is the reverse, or, in any case, that gender is determined by the prevalence, that is, if 100 children, 51 were girls, then it would be right to say girls generally.

The explanation given in the article, (whose reading would suggest, just follow the link that is given at the end of this article), referred to the genus unlabeled is male for women bother, protest, claiming them men, they are sexually excited, have sex with them to appease them, and so finish brewing new specimens to ensure the conservation of the species.

Reinforced this argument by saying that if gender outside unlabeled women and those men were disturbed, the claim would not lead to reproductive sex but violent, destructive, prejudicial to the conservation of the species claims.

In fact, - and this is the focus of this article- and not always for women irritate men with their claims obtained a loving appeasement, fertilizing.

Indeed, it may happen that a man feels harassed and instead of trying to appease the woman making love in a reproductive, chooses to attack, physically or psychologically, destructive, hateful, excessively aggressive violence, seeking to kill the woman protesting because they feel unloved in a society where gender is not marked male.

In conclusion, there is a possibility that some cases of domestic violence are actually frustrated breeding attempts in which she wanted to arouse sexually harass him, never dreaming that he would be furious and destructive attack.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Hacer el amor o el odio.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.168)

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