viernes, 14 de marzo de 2014

Thinking 0 (zero)

The pursuit of pleasure is usually healthy lure used by scammers when we promise we would like to happen: zero hunger, zero crime, zero poverty. The scam is accomplished when our capacity for discernment is operating with zero intelligence.

In political campaigns, demagogues (unscrupulous people who are willing to promise anything just to get votes that grant power), abuse the naivete of voters, deceive us like children, to tease us.

Of course they are not solely responsible for this misuse of the policy. Voters also collaborate with irresponsibility accepting promises are notoriously proselytizing (guided by the sole purpose of getting adhesions).

The phenomenon is part of religious behavior that characterizes our species. We are able to believe in the existence of a higher being (God), to which we assign and magical attributes, we satisfied with that, some you organize your life taking as true the fantasies created around this fictional character.

A psychotic delusion is an equally coercive mental functioning, which guides the conduct of the patient but, unlike the religious thought, is not shared by others. The difference between psychotic delusion and religious belief is one statistic: if many people share the same delusion (the existence of God) is not a religion but a psychotic delusion. If the same operation we found him in one person, we would say who has a delusional psychosis.

All delirium or religious magical thinking is geared to please, directly or indirectly, to the person suffering. The pleasure orientated nearly all our operations, mental and non-mental. When we feel pain, some internal process is triggered to restore painless situation (good health).

This finding is usually healthy treat lure used by scammers when we promise we would like to happen: zero hunger, zero crime, zero poverty. The scam is accomplished when our capacity for discernment is operating with zero intelligence.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Pensamiento 0 (cero).

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.150)

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