domingo, 9 de marzo de 2014

Rich and poor territories

Although we are used to think and say that the places with the highest environmental values ​​are very suitable for the majority of living beings, not excluding our species, in fact the opposite could happen.

The focus of this article refers to the classic case of inequality between rich and poor, but approached from another angle, ie, trying to see what relationship exists between the poor territories and population, and, therefore, what relationship between rich territory and population.

We observed both in plants and animals: some habitats are, for biological development, more conducive than others.

It is likely that humans can live anywhere on earth where there is sufficient oxygen, but the results can be very different.

All would think that the richest territories in human development is very low, while in the poorest areas, human development is better.

As life in the tropics seems to burst in quantity and variety, it may be true that humans lose vitality and creativity in places too benign.

Although we are used to think and say that the places with the highest environmental values ​​are very suitable for the majority of living beings, not excluding our species, in fact the opposite could happen.

I dare to say that they should take care disparities related to wealth or poverty of the territories they inhabit every people, because socio- economic inequalities between people are greater in rich territories.

In this study correspond, case by case, territory by territory, which should make humans very rich territories established to counteract the damage this will cause. On the contrary, should not deal in the territories do aridity ideal because there are people who achieve established resolve carried away by the animal instinct we have and that appears when we face challenges of survival.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Territorios ricos y pobres.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.145)

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