jueves, 20 de febrero de 2014

How long happiness

The duration of happiness depends on how slow we should be to realize what we are missing: the slower our imagination, the longer the feeling of happiness.

In other words: happiness is a psychological state in which the person is convinced that it is complete, you do not need anything, it reached perfection.

In some philosophies used the metaphor of "oceanic feeling", others talk about 'Nirvana'. Words such as happiness, glory, heaven, grace, bliss also evoke.

Since psychoanalysis is possible to assume that happiness equals a reiteration of the time in which the human being was in the womb, or that one in which, by the logic immaturity of the central nervous system (CNS), the child felt part of a whole, this feeling lost when the CNS was developed enough to recognize their own and others individuality.

Although losing the sense of individuality and resume the "oceanic feeling" mean a severe setback in biological evolution, for many it is an attractive achievement feel confused with another human being. For example, the happiness we find in some states of infatuation is that involution CNS, why lovers merge, dissolve, merge, lose the notion that they are two separate individuals.

I return to the beginning: the feeling of happiness depends, ultimately, a decline from a loss of lucidity, of conscience, of realism and imagination.

For example, if someone is happy because a new generation telephone was purchased, it will still be happy until you realize that in a few days will get a new model that will become obsolete this marvel that took him to touch the sky with your hands. When someone achieves these psychological changes (happiness) from as basic as is to buy a new phone encouragement, you can enjoy while not realize living too ephemeral, unstable, limited, dependent on its slow time to become disillusioned and recover the realism that brings a healthy CNS.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Cuánto dura la felicidad.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.146)

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