viernes, 28 de febrero de 2014

The guilt of innocent galling

Although it seems strange, the feeling of guilt is true that someone can feel when he failed to give satisfaction to their deepest desires and generally prohibited.

"What do I do, what I say or not say? No, better shut and say nothing".

In this inner dialogue we can imagine some ideas a bit curious because they deviate from common sense.

The most important of all : the speaker could be questioning, berating, repenting for not doing what I really wanted.

Someone committed a crime and was discovered. Given the authority that condemned because the evidence, the prosecution witnesses and other evidence is unquestionable, will have to load guilty and remorseful because if he insists on pleading not guilty the sentence be worse.

But nevertheless, go paradox! The detainee does not seem guilty. Why is that?

According to a widely held belief not we just feel guilty when we attack, defend or not enough, our own desire.

In the case of offenders found in the act, we think he did it to satisfy his desire, but had to simulate repentance not to aggravate punishment.

On the contrary, someone not involved in a criminal act, justice does not accuse, but it feels very guilty and depressed because, in their heart of hearts, he would have liked to participate in this criminal act.

Those who accept this paradoxical faith quite psychological functioning, we are left to believe in all acts of repentance, especially those that seem most compelling. The psychoanalytic logic to react well to someone that their clothes torn by intense guilt that says suffering is that such an attitude would only be reliable if it feels is guilty of having failed to satisfy its desire.

This mental mechanism is often unknown even to the sufferer. Many people, besieged by guilt hardly give credence to what really regret and reproach is not pleased enough to have the desire itself.

This could lead to an even more unusual conclusion: perhaps the jails are full of people who do not feel guilty but satisfied ( having pleased his criminal desire) and outside prisons there is more number of people who suffer the guilt of having inhibited the ability to satisfy one's desire.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La mortificante culpa del inocente.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.154)

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