Our education system is good, but may have some undesirable effects (as well as having aspirin), especially when in combination with certain profiles (aggressive children with poor development of the symbolic function, muscle strength holders).
Surely you have happened to him, comes home with medicine and a doctor told him, while waiting for the desired effect, is curious to learn which says that microscopic print on a sheet folded letter unusually. Only then learns what dangers is running, because the contraindications are terrifying. However, as you trust the doctor (because you have no choice) and as the pill and swallowed, ignores data just read: disqualifies as if it were a bad joke.
Indeed, later found not suffered all the unwanted effects that told the manufacturer. Moreover, it even seems that he did well.
Almost identical case with the education system. The teachers have pedagogical techniques that, for many students are a real harassment (also called 'bullying').
Since teaching fail the human tendency to identify with the available models (parents, older siblings, teachers, famous artists, seductive rulers), here contraindication causing us problems occur: as some children feel that the insistence of teachers is a harassment a bullying, rape, unbearable discomfort, identify with these traits and apply them on the weaker peers.
In short, what I'm saying is that a child's game, which could even call naive, makes some small play martyring teachers to peers and they feel they are martyred by teachers.
A simple imitation of a model confronts us with a contraindication pedagogical model when students imitate the teacher, imitate the good and bad that they think they see in him.
I repeat without abuse: our education system is good, but may have some undesirable effects (as well as having aspirin), especially when in combination with certain profiles (aggressive children with poor development of the symbolic function, possessing strength muscle).
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.209)