lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Bullying (harassment) Educational

Our education system is good, but may have some undesirable effects (as well as having aspirin), especially when in combination with certain profiles (aggressive children with poor development of the symbolic function, muscle strength holders).

Surely you have happened to him, comes home with medicine and a doctor told him, while waiting for the desired effect, is curious to learn which says that microscopic print on a sheet folded letter unusually. Only then learns what dangers is running, because the contraindications are terrifying. However, as you trust the doctor (because you have no choice) and as the pill and swallowed, ignores data just read: disqualifies as if it were a bad joke.

Indeed, later found not suffered all the unwanted effects that told the manufacturer. Moreover, it even seems that he did well.

Almost identical case with the education system. The teachers have pedagogical techniques that, for many students are a real harassment (also called 'bullying').

Since teaching fail the human tendency to identify with the available models (parents, older siblings, teachers, famous artists, seductive rulers), here contraindication causing us problems occur: as some children feel that the insistence of teachers is a harassment a bullying, rape, unbearable discomfort, identify with these traits and apply them on the weaker peers.

In short, what I'm saying is that a child's game, which could even call naive, makes some small play martyring teachers to peers and they feel they are martyred by teachers.

A simple imitation of a model confronts us with a contraindication pedagogical model when students imitate the teacher, imitate the good and bad that they think they see in him.

I repeat without abuse: our education system is good, but may have some undesirable effects (as well as having aspirin), especially when in combination with certain profiles (aggressive children with poor development of the symbolic function, possessing strength muscle).

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Bullying (acoso) pedagógico.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.209)

About different therapeutic techniques

Currently studying as important as the physical and mental health issue is possible through Internet. Not to argue with the professionals, but to take advantage of various therapeutic techniques available.

In essence, what I try to discuss with you regarding health.

What is best for us: an immediate effect but little lasting relief or a slow but relief effect for life?

In our culture we are encouraged not to tolerate, to want everything now.

"How fast is good and what is bad slow" is the slogan of our culture.

At the speed we lose sight of the importance of the quality, duration, secondary costs.

When it comes to health, we often leave out some therapeutic offerings that are not as famous as medicine: homeopathy, herbalism, chiropractic, acupuncture, Chinese holistic medicine, psychoanalysis.

Perhaps there is some constant: When it easier and faster the treatment, its effects last for less time.

Psychoanalysis takes many years, but when compared to the life changes that should be made after some surgeries, you may not find big differences.

In any case, it might be a good practice to evaluate all options that are in the area where we live, because while conventional medicine gives good results in some cases are suitable other healing techniques.

Currently studying as important as the physical and mental health issue is possible through Internet. Not to argue with the professionals, but to take advantage of various therapeutic techniques available.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Sobre las diferentes técnicas terapéuticas.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.189)

sábado, 26 de abril de 2014

The concentration of power is desirable

When comparing the longevity of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones should we infer the concentration of power.

Thinking of those curious and music fans who share the present time, I commented that in the same year and in the same place ever matched were two exceptions: The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.

Indeed, in 1962 and in England these two ensembles emerged, largely successful although very different.

Do not know everything about them because the real stories have had to compete unfavorably with commercial stories. These are more credible because they are more attractive and consumers do not want truth but apparently true funny stories.

Our appetite is so intense that surely the people involved in those stories doubt whether what happened is real or what we believed happened after consuming commercial stories, ie: the legends, mythology, the fabulous.

Some data seem certain:

In addition to the year and place of formation, The Beatles broke up in 1970 and The Rolling Stones are still together.

Another important fact is that apparently The Beatles its four members acted as leaders, while The Rolling Stones remained the sole leadership of Mick Jagger.

This made ​​me think that The Beatles were anatomically monstrous and The Rolling Stones are normal.

It is possible to assume that the longevity of one and the other group is determined by its normal. In short, a living with four heads live fewer years than one with a single head, ie with a single central nervous system.

We can also think that strong institutions (lived) have concentrated power (head only), while weak institutions power is distributed.

We survive as a species? Because very few have power?

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La concentración de poder es conveniente.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.189)

viernes, 25 de abril de 2014

The heart of the personality

We filed three types of childhood experiences that largely support in adulthood fall into loss of self-esteem, to distrust the love we feel and love to tell us that we breathe in, we have a depressing view of what is living and what is attempting to give life to new individuals of the species.

Many people believe that childhood is a stage of life in which many peculiarities design and determine what will be our personality.

Indeed, psychoanalysis emphasizes the adventures lived in those days and when the patient can remember and resignificarlas, (you understand the adult mentality), significant changes in the psychology of the individual.

 As always, it becomes important which creates discomfort and less interesting all the good that we live in that time.

It is worth recalling three types of experiences:

1) Our tender love for our parents, it was healthy, genuine, the best of us, but when we intended to marry our mom or our dad, felt a painful, unwarranted, searing condemnation.

Hardly anyone was lucky enough to explain why it was not good to start a family with a family. Ignorance of the parents on what are the reasons for the prohibition of incest became fools, violent, brutal and that convinced us that our loving feelings are dangerous by nature, because, without explanation. For most it was the idea that we should be wary of our best intentions. Our first love proposal was rejected mercilessly.

2) All our innate wisdom found that our loved ones not validated, they sent us to school to relearn what adult dominant thought. Our wisdom was discredited, despised, some even mocked her. In school we were told what were the beliefs and valuable, in fact, we were told that our knowledge will not work.

This story is logical that some adults have to study rejection, distrust of teachers and professors, books phobia, dread sitting examinations. In this state, knowledge is a source of pain, shame, rejection, wound our pride.

3) Humans are selfish, we have to be so poor and vulnerable we are. The child is educated, trained, discipline to not be selfish, to serve their toys even those he loves.

Adults are likely to be so petty, but hypocritically solidarity and charity, because it was once violated our survival instinct forcing us to let go of what most wanted to keep. These traumatic experiences made ​​us hypocrites, liars and greedy to hide their greed.

These three types of childhood experiences largely support in adulthood fall into loss of self-esteem, to distrust the love we feel and love to tell us that we breathe in, we have a depressing view of what is living and what is attempting to give life to new individuals of the species.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El corazón de la personalidad.
 (Este es el Artículo Nº 2.207)

We were a poor child

We ineffective to solve the unequal distribution of wealth because our feelings we are definitely selfish. We do not want to help the poor, we feel sorry for the hardships we suffered in our childhood.

I dare say that the pain that causes us distributive injustice, economic inequality between rich and poor, gets the most emotional intensity of our past, when we were kids and were almost permanently frustrated in the worst way.

To all of us because it is inevitable happened: childhood is characterized by a huge force and desiring, in turn, by the near impossibility for someone to gain us satisfaction. Nor could they not with all planetary fortune.

The imaginative mind makes us think that adults are selfish, they are millionaires who deliberately, total depravity, no mercy depriving us of why so many definitely need to be happy: "That doll or that red little truck,does it cost them? why they are so miserable they do not buy me?"

The rich, who own half the world's wealth, receive these same feelings when the press repeats the infamous conditions that we suffer unjustly million people, especially children.

As our children's frustrations are so horrible we ended forgetting them not to continue to suffer, most adults can not believe that her current pain comes from his childhood. On the contrary, they are convinced that it is normal, typical sensitivity of a mentally healthy human being, which can not tolerate a few rich are the cause of so much pain.

Maybe I can say that it is indeed unfortunate that a majority suffer deprivation, but of all the feelings that hit us this situation, they probably have a 10% realism and 90% recovery of what was our sad story and we had to forget (or at least removed from consciousness), not to suffer needlessly.

No wonder we are losing would notion of reality when we are carried away by inappropriate feelings. If we could assign him the interest of socio- economic inequalities really deserve, maybe we could make better decisions then you have been taken in recent centuries, are completely ineffective.

We ineffective because our feelings of solidarity we are mostly selfish. We do not want to help the poor, we feel sorry for what happened to us and that we have repressed into the unconscious.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Fuimos un niño pobre.
 (Este es el Artículo Nº 2.188)