martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Why collect and how

Talking about money is hard for everyone, but having some clear ideas, the difficulty drops significantly.

Nice to have clear ideas. When this happens we act with more aplomb, security, serenity. In turn, our partners feel our mood and respond to it by giving your approval, your preference and even their friendship.

Have clear ideas does not mean to have some indisputable truth:for nothing! Religious people tend to have that infectious aplomb that generates a halo of approval and, however, believe something as implausible as God. So here we have two important ideas:

1) Those who have sense of psychic security inspire confidence in others and these react with approval, socially accepting, providing confidence, choosing them as friends;

2) The religious ideas, which seem to be completely useless for its lack of foundation, are useful for generating that state security, not for its lack of realism is less effective.

In short, when we are sure of everything, regardless of the realism or delirium used to access that state, we generate good relationships.

Another way to acquire that beatific attitude is knowing explanations of how and why we do what we do.

In this video I commented a personal story that my mother's reasoning is brought to the present and Cyber-space.

In short, the idea of it had to do with work and remuneration:

When I work for another I can imagine that working for myself and when the true recipient of my production pays me, what you pay me is what I left to earn for doing work or, perhaps, as I say in the video, is paying me what I needed to live during those days when I dedicated my effort, time and profession.

Economic progress occurs when more and more people are asking us to take his place doing something for them, with the same love you feel if work out for us.

Talking about money is hard for everyone, but having some clear ideas, the difficulty drops significantly.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Por qué cobrar y cuánto.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.186)

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