domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

Marital dissolution by boredom

Sometimes we suffer by mistake.

For example, if we know that one day our children will form a family, suffer from empty nest because the mistake is distressing.

For example, not only the death of a loved one but we just own retirement could come to getting it as its own death.

For example, a love may someday become a relationship that is maintained by inertia, habit, not to generate comments on their relatives and acquaintances.

They are all expected situations and if they suffer excess is by mistake. Maybe the mistake is to believe that "I do will not happen".

Boredom a link is frowned upon. Although we all happens practically, as we continue to believe that it should not happen that two people end up getting fed.

Sexual apathy is a sure sign. Sometimes spouses, inhibited to accept the hypothesis of boredom, walking several medical specialists who, after bagging plenty of money in fees, after making swallowing several artificial chemicals end up saying that it could be fatigue in coexistence.

I do not want to add that missing these professionals knew in advance what was the diagnosis, but besides that also have to say that clients did not want to hear the dreaded news: "You no longer want".

Child voluntarism ("Will is power") that both time and money illusion makes us spend, always encourages us to make another attempt. So the years pass, the spouses barely tolerated as they can both survive, doses of hypocrisy must be over and when they want to agree, spent so much time in that game, one of them dies and the other is torn garments weeps bitterly because now you can love someone, to remember, to photographs, to come to console.

If boredom between two people who loved each other deeply Normal is what makes you supporting that person to cause more discomfort than satisfaction ?

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Disolución conyugal por aburrimiento.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.196)

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