lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

The confessed cowardice

Several times I have appealed to the popular "barking dog does not bite". ( 1)

In essence, the idea is to evaluate the importance of telling and not telling.

If  I say "I'm not afraid", I'm signing a contract with courage listeners who will be attentive to my compliance. Tellers of my obsessive behavior will become.

Conversely, if I say "I am very fearful", perhaps at first I despise you for considering absolutely cowardly, but when they find that some decisions achievement take, which eventually took some risks, not always stay silent for fear of reprisals, react thinking I 'm not as fearful as they had understood, I will point accusing me of having deceived. This whole phenomenon will they convince me that I'm not a total coward and that enabled me, encourage me to be a little risky, short or brave or foolhardy.

In other words, there is a social phenomenon in which the honest confession ends up giving more results dissimulation, lying, cheating, makeup, deception, propaganda car.

Not propose misleading or false modesty sincerity or deception in the negative. On the contrary, I suggest honesty, nobility, sincerity, knowing that our culture applauds the courageous and despises cowards.

Even the most recalcitrant neurotics (who live in a parallel reality, you are never sure of anything, those who try to imitate what others do, that perfect dress) have moments of lucid enough to recognize and value the person who says what they can not confess ("I am afraid!”, ”I am ashamed”, ”I dare not”).

In short, is a recommended recipe assume intimately and publicly acknowledge our limits (where appropriate), our weaknesses, although initially oblivious to lose the love we need.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La cobardía confesada.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.204)

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